Maia Nebula!

The world is sick, but my smile is intact.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


She told me she had just come back from Narita, where she was sending off her friend to Korea. I fell silent, keeping the day's events —the roller coasters, the sushi, the long walk back home— to myself. As I stared into her face I realized how little I had strived to transcend the stage of mere hellos, how questions and comments flourished in my mind but never made it to my tongue. I would have loved to know her more, yet words had always failed me. Even then, on the brink of the last goodbye, I was left looking uninterested and unfriendly, letting out muffled screams into a mask out of which she had never been able to see me.

I'm so sorry. And yet, you will never know it, for I am still being selfish enough to translate my feelings into a language other than our lingua franca.

죄송합니다. I hope life entitles me to another chance.


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